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Suicide Prevention Burnout is Real. Here’s How we can Help

Suicide Prevention Burnout is Real. Here’s How we can Help

August 11
00:00 2021

More than 700 000 people die by suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. It is the 17th leading cause of death in the world. Each year, suicide claims over 1,35,000 lives in India alone. One in 5 people suffers from a mental health disorder in any given year. 45% of people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental health disorder.

The following can be the warning signs for you to understand that the other person is having suicidal thoughts. For some people:

* Talking or writing about wanting to die or wanting to cause harm to oneself.

* Talking about feeling hopeless

* Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain

* Talking about being a burden to others

.. and many others.

Many times people who commit suicide may not show any suicide warning signs.

Although many people experiencing one or more of these risk factors do not consider suicide, they can be useful in identifying someone at risk of suicide. Often it is used as a cry for help. It can be a sign that someone needs immediate help. Other than physical pain, we can also feel the pain in our minds. This is something we shouldn’t ignore.

Talking about wanting to commit suicide may not be the best way to deal with it. Because if we talk about it, it will further strengthen our suicidal tendency.

About 1Life

1Life is a non-profit organization with a solid foundation of experienced mental health professionals, trained volunteers, and strong crisis support management. With each year, the number of suicide deaths is only increasing and we want to change that. The two pillars of  suicide prevention are – improving support resources and educating the public.

We as an organization would like to give hope to the suicidal not to give up on the one life they have. We save precious lives by providing support to distressed individuals through our 24×7 free helpline number 78930 78930. Any call which comes to our helpline will be dealt with utmost care and confidentiality.

Currently we have 60+ trained volunteers and received more than 83,000 calls on our helpline. Provided more than 18,000 hours of counselling. Each month we receive 1500+ calls on our helpline number. We can proudly say that we have save many preciously lives (190+) who are in verge of committing suicide.

Mental illness is one of the biggest obstacles in preventing suicide, and stigma prevents many people from seeking help. Talking to a friend or family member about their suicidal thoughts or feelings can be difficult. However, talking about suicidal thoughts and feelings with an organization like us, guarantee complete anonymity and confidentiality of the caller and any details shared by the aggrieved will not be revealed to anyone in any circumstances.

If you think that a friend or family member is at risk of suicide, you can play a role in suicide prevention by offering alternatives, like consulting a doctor or psychologist or directing them towards a helpline number. Encourage the person at risk of suicide to seek help from a psychologist, visit a treatment facility or take them to a doctor’s appointment.

If you have had suicidal thoughts, please seek mental health support. Become a part of our FAMILY

It does not take much to Save a LIFE!

If you think you can spend at least 2 hours in a week for this cause, register with us. You can simply stay at home and yet be a part of Saving Lives daily.

How to become a volunteer?

* Register yourself with 1Life

* We will give a complete training session online so that you are prepared to handle those people with due LOVE and CARE.

* After the training, you will work as an intern for a specific duration. The process will include serving as well as learning.

* Once you are fully prepared, you will be a professional volunteer expert in Suicide Prevention and Crisis Support.

Do your thoughts and conscience align with our vision? If yes, 1Life is the Right Place.

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